Everything About CBD Coffee

Coffee shops have been hopping on a new trend, CBD Coffee, cannabidiol that’s being added to many different products. This new trend may not be for everyone because it may affect your health and even treat some medical issues.

This trend has been taking off and CBD oil is legal cannabidiol, a chemical compound found in a cannabid sativa plant. Also known as cannabis or marijuana. It is naturally occurring and it is used in many different products to impart a feeling or bliss, relaxation, and calm. This is different from THC the other active chemical in cannabis because CBD is not psychoactive.

CBD will not give you a feeling of being altered or sedated so you will not be getting “high”. However, a study done in 2017 examined the contents of 84 products sold online. Out of the 84 products tested, 21% of them contained traces of THC, the active chemical compound in cannabis that gets you high. Beware, this could cause you to test positive on a drug test!

About CBD Coffee

CBD Coffee is made when coffee beans are soaked in CBD oil. This is a new trend and the effects from the CBD oil balances out the feeling from coffee giving you natural peacefulness while staying alert. CBD oil may cause you to be sleepy while the coffee keeps you awake.

The problem with CBD oil is it is a nutraceutical, like a supplement so you can buy this anywhere. It is not regulated by the FDA and you will have no idea what you are getting. The quality of the CBD oil may differ from coffee shop to coffee shop and you have no way of testing the product.

CBD Coffee Taste

The CBD oil is unflavored but customers report the coffee tasting green or like a plant. When adding the CBD oil coffee shops usually charge per milligram and can range from 5, 10, or 15 milligrams.

Most people say the lattes with CBD oil have a hint of marijuana herbiness, similar to what you get from a weed cookie.

How Does it Feel when Drinking CBD Coffee

If you’ve never tried a CBD products before it gives you a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness. However, when you combine this with coffee a unique interaction occurs. The timing of the CBD and caffeine in the coffee sync up perfectly.

Most people experience the effects of coffee in about 10 – 45 minutes after drinking their first cup. The caffeine will linger in your system for about 5 hours after drinking your coffee. On the other hand, CBD oil can take up to 30 – 60 minutes to take effect after being consumed. These effects will last up to 6 hours. As a result, CBD and caffeine have a very similar activation time and period making them a good pairing. You will be left feeling relaxed and alert.

Health Benefits of CBD Coffee

So you may be asking aside from relaxation are there other health benefits to CBD coffee? In short, yes CBD coffee is healthy safe and beneficial to you. There are some side effects which we will talk about later, but the main benefits of CBD are being proven by scientific evidence and gaining momentum in the health and wellness world. You can read the health benefits of coffee, here.

1. Pain Relief

Marijuana is a pain relief drug and has been used to treat pain for centuries, even before modern medicine. The body produces endocannabinoids which are neurotransmitters to bind cannabinoid receptors in your central nervous system. When this happens studies have shown that intaking CBD oil has reduced chronic pain in patients by reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters.

This is especially useful for those with arthritis. There have been human studies done with CBD and THC that show these chemicals are effective in treating pain related to multiple sclerosis and arthritis.

2. Reduce Anxiety and Depression

In today’s world anxiety and depression is a widespread and common mental health disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Usually, anxiety and depression are treated with pharmaceutical drugs, but an organic and natural method to treat it would be with CBD oils.

CBD oil has been used as a treatment for both depression and anxiety. There has been a study down with CBD and a placebo and researchers found that a 300 mg dose of CBD was the most effective at reducing anxiety. This is due to the CBD’s effect on the brains’ receptors for serotonin and regulates mood and social behavior.

3. Alleviate Cancer Related Symptoms

CBD has been used with chemotherapy treatment to reduce nausea and vomiting. These are the most common chemotherapy related side effects with cancer and CBD has been effective in alleviating most of these side effects. Some of the patients do not benefit from CBD and it is ineffective.

More studies need to be done to determine the effectiveness of what might work for people. A study of 16 people suffering from chemotherapy treatment found that the combination of CBD and TBH helped with nausea and vomiting more than the standard treatment. More research needs to be done to assess the efficacy of the CBD treatment on cancer patients.

4. May Reduce Acne

CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces sebum production on skin.

Acne is caused by inflammation and overproduction of sebum. As a result, CBD oil is the perfect medication for one of the most common skin conditions affecting more than 9% of the human population. Like the other benefits more testing needs to be done to explore all the beneficial effects of CBD oil.

5. May Have Neuroprotective Properties

Studies have been done that prove that CBD oil may be useful in treating neurological disorders like epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. There have been promising results so far. Sativex is an oral spray that has been testing.

One study has found that CBD oil reduced seizures in children with Dravet syndrome. You can read that study here.

Other studies have shown that CBD improved the quality of life and sleep quality for people with Parkinson’s disease.

Though there has been limited research done CBD oil has been shown to ease epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and some other neurological diseases. CBD is also being tested to reduce the degeneration of Alzheimer’s disease in test-tube and animal studies.

6. Benefits Heart Health

Recent research has linked CBD with benefits to the circulatory system as well as heart health. High blood pressure is a problem million of people face. CBD may have the ability to lower blood pressure and in a study with 9 healthy men, 1 dose of 600 mg of CBD reduced resting blood pressure compared to a placebo.

Research has proved that the stress and anxiety reliving properties of CBD may be responsible for lowering blood pressure as well.

7. Antipsychotic Effects

There are many more studies that have been done to test CBD oil. Some research suggests that CBD will help with schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

In 2 double blind randomized trials, CBD oil was administered to those with psychotic symptoms and compared to the placebo group the CBD group showed greater improvement to overall mental help and psychotic symptoms.

8. Substance Abuse Treatment

In addition to all the other health benefits CBD is being used to treat chronic drug addiction. Especially those with a history of chronically relapsing with a compulsive desire to use drugs and over consumption.

Pre-clinical studies show that CBD has an effect to reduce cravings in people with heroin and other drug addiction. The participants in this study who took the CBD as part of the treatment had fewer cravings for drugs as well as a lower amount of stress and anxiety.

9. Anti-Tumor Effects

Cannabinoids or CBD have been noted in 2016 to inhibit the growth of a few different types of tumor cells in test tube and animal studies done. There needs to be more testing done to learn more about the effects on the human immune system.

10. Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes is an inflammatory condition that affects millions of people. CBD has anti-inflammatory effects and there is research being done whether CBD may help treat or risk developing both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

In a study done about the inflammation caused by high glucose levels, researchers figured out that CBD had positive effects on reducing inflammation. This may show that CBD helps offset the damage caused by diabetes on the walls of blood vessels.

How CBD Effects Your Body

CBD is one of 120 different compounds called cannabinoids found in a cannabis plant. This is different from THC because it does not affect the same receptors and does not alter your perception at all. There is no “high” or psychoactive effect from this drug.

It effects the human body’s endocannabinoid system that receives signals when you ingest any cannabinoid. They are in charge of many things including sleep, your immune system, pain, stress, and many more.

When inside your body CBD stops the body from absorbing as much anandamide, a compound associated with regulating pain. As a result, you may feel less pain, less stress, and less anxiety.

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD also effects the brain and nervous system. This also helps people with insomnia, chronic pain, addiction, and other immune system issues.

Side Effects of CBD Coffee

With all these benefits there are some possible side effects. However, most people tolerate CBD oils without side effects.

Here is a list of side affects according to a review in Cannabis and Cannainoid Research:

  • Tiredness
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Weight loss

There may also be additional side effects if you mix your CBD oils with medications that may make them more or less effective.

CBD may also interfere with an enzyme in the body called cytochrome P450 complex. This may affect your liver so please consult a doctor before using any CBD related products or if you feel and side effects.

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD may be too effective and also diminish the lungs’ defense system, increasing risk of infection. It is thought that CBD and other cannabinoids may put the user at risk for lung problems over the long term.

How CBD Coffee Made and How to Make CBD Coffee at home

CBD coffee or CBD infused coffee is general coffee with additional CBD oil. Here are three different ways to make CBD coffee:

  • CBD infused coffee beans
  • Adding CBD oil to coffee
  • Adding CBD honey to coffee

1. CBD Infused Coffee Beans

This is the easiest way to make CBD coffee at home. All you have to do is buy the coffee beans. This method comes with pre-infused CBD coffee beans and I will list my favorite brands below. These are freshly roasted beans that are ready for grinding and brew just like you normally would.

2. Adding CBD Oil to Coffee

With this method you will just add a few drops of CBD oil to your coffee. The simplest way is just to add a few drops of oil to your coffee. I would recommend 5 – 20 mg of CBD per cup of coffee.

3. Adding CBD Honey to Coffee

Similar to the CBD oil you can just add some CBD infused honey as a sweetener to add to your coffee. You will have to add honey to your desired CBD dosage and sweetness. Again we recommend 5 – 20 mg of CBD per cup of coffee.

Top CBD Coffee Brands

Once Amazon relaxes their policy on CBD products I will be able to send you to the right location to purchase these prodcuts. For now you much search on google to find the sources to purchase CBD products.

You will not find CBD oil on Amazon, it’s prohibited for sale. See bullet under “Drug products and ingredients” at the following for Amazon’s policy on CBD:

Drug listings must comply with Amazon Policies:

i. Listings for products containing cannabidiol (CBD) are prohibited, including but not limited to:
ii. Full spectrum hemp oil
iii. Products that have been identified as containing CBD

Amazon Policy

Top 10 CBD Coffees

  1. Green Roads World, CBD Coffee
  2. Subduction Coffee + Hemp
  3. Buddha Beans Coffee Co
  4. Flower Power Coffee, New York Signature Blend
  5. Mary Joe, CBD Infused Cold Brew Coffee
  6. Kick Back CBD Cold Brew
  7. Willies Remedy, CBD Coffee
  8. Strava Craft Coffee, Peace and Wellness Coffee
  9. Kickback Cold Brew
  10. Hempworx, CBD Coffee

Top 5 CBD Oils

  1. Veritas Farm Full Spectrum CBD Tincture
  2. Lazarus Naturals High Potency CBD Tincture
  3. Receptra Naturals CBD Tincture
  4. Mana Artisan Botanics Hemp Oil
  5. 4 Corners Cannabis Oral Tincture


Florida Honey Pot Farm has a high-quality artisan quality CBD infused honey that works perfectly for a morning cup of coffee. They mainly focus on their amazing bee-related products, and the CBD honey is a great fit for someone who wants to try a high-quality honey product.

CBD Coffee Conclusion

Let us know if you’ve tried CBD coffee and what you think about this trend. We hope that this product sticks around due to all the health benefits it brings. Hopefully, we see Amazon update their product policy about CBD oil soon so it will be easily accessible to all those who want to try it out.


2 thoughts on “Everything About CBD Coffee”

  1. Thank you for mentioning how cbd coffee is made. I want to start a new business this fall. I will find a reputable cbd wholesale service in my area.

  2. Drinking CBD coffee can help from reduced anxiety to chronic pain relief and it is one of the positive effects of CBD. Infusing hemp oil products provides beneficial plant-based protein and a number of vitamins and minerals.


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